Student Contests

Each year, our CCLE student contests receive impressive entries from all over the country. Any student who attends a CCLE-accredited school or whose parent has CCLE household membership is eligible to enter. Contest winners receive a cash prize, a certificate of merit, and public recognition by the CCLE at our summer conference and on our website. The CCLE retains the right to publish winning entries with authorship attribution.
This year, the CCLE will sponsor a Penmanship & Calligraphy Contest, a Composition Contest, and a Recitation Contest.  
Here are some updates and reminders for 2025:
  1. The contest deadlines for this year will be midnight (Central Time) on:
    • March 15, 2025 for Penmanship & Calligraphy
    • April 15, 2025 for Composition
    • May 15, 2025 for Recitation
  2. All students who submit entries must attend a CCLE-accredited school or the parents must have CCLE household membership. 
  3. Students may participate at a higher age-level if desired. Participation for students with special needs is also available.
  4. Failure to follow submission guidelines will result in disqualification.
  5. Questions regarding any of the contests should be directed to
  6. Winners will be announced by CCLE social media and website (first name and last name initial), the conference program (full name), and any other CCLE print publications (full name). Contest entry assumes permission for the above.
  7. Contest entries must be original, unpublished work. The CCLE reserves the right to publish all submissions with authorship attribution.  

Congratulations to our 2024 Contest Winners

Hymn Composition 2024: Dialectic

  • Adelaide R. Grand Prize

    “O Jesus Christ You Are The Light," Faith Lutheran School, Plano TX

  • Jake R. Runner Up

    “O God The Father Holy One,” Faith Lutheran School, Plano TX

Hymn Composition 2024: Rhetoric

  • Rose M. Grand Prize

    “God In His Great Love For Me,” Family Altar Home School

  • Anika B. Runner Up

    “O Come Adore Behold Him,” Wittenberg Academy