Institute for Classical Lutheran Education

Online Classes Launch in January 2025

As part of its mission to “to promote, establish, and equip individuals and schools committed to confessional Lutheran doctrine and a classical approach to education,” the CCLE is pleased to announce the launch of the Institute for Classical Lutheran Education—an online learning center offering professional education classes for adults. The Institute will be piloted in January of 2025 with adult instruction classes in Greek and Latin.  Registration for spring classes will open in October. Please see below the course descriptions and  biographies of our new faculty. By the fall of 2025, the CCLE plans to offer a further developed catalogue of classes for professional development in areas such as pedagogy, administration, and the classical liberal arts. Stay tuned for more information!

Introduction to New Testament Greek

Adult instruction in Greek, taught by Rev. Brandon Koble for the Institute for Classical Lutheran Education.

This Spring Semester course begins January 6, 2025 and concludes April 18, 2025, covering 15 weeks of material with weekly live classes Monday nights at 6:30pm Central Time, quizzes and interactive assignments to reinforce learning.

Course Description: Our course is designed to help you learn the fundamentals of Koine Greek grammar, and as such, is a beginner’s level course. We will begin from the basics of Koine Greek grammar, so no previous experience is necessary, although a good grasp of English grammar will serve you well. Koine Greek is different from, while at the same time flowing from Classical Greek. This course is structured to give you a basic understanding of Koine Greek syntax and help build your vocabulary. You will be guided through class lectures and discussions and supported with exercises to reinforce the grammatical concepts that we see in the New Testament and help you develop a core vocabulary.

Introduction to Latin I

Adult instruction in Latin, taught by Andrew Bloch for the Institute for Classical Lutheran Education.

This Spring Semester course begins January 6, 2025 and concludes April 18, 2025, covering 15 weeks of material with weekly live classes Thursday nights at 7:00pm Central Time, quizzes and interactive assignments to reinforce learning.

Course Description: This course will introduce students to the vocabulary and pronunciation of Latin, a familiarity with ancient authors, and the basics of Latin grammar. No formal instruction in Latin is necessary, but previous English grammar instruction will be helpful. We will be learning to read Classical Latin. Although Classical Latin differs in some ways from Medieval and Reformation Latin the basics are remarkably similar. With a solid foundation, the student will be able to make sense of Latin writings from before the life of Christ through the Middle Ages and Reformation, and into the present day. This course is structured to give you a basic understanding of Latin grammar, syntax, and pronunciation and will also help build your vocabulary. You will be guided through class lectures and discussions and supported with passages from authentic Latin works.


Rev. Brandon Koble

Greek Instructor for The Institute for Classical Lutheran Education Rev. Brandon Koble is the pastor of Oklahoma Avenue and Trinity Lutheran Churches in the greater

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Andrew Bloch

Latin Instructor for The Institute for Classical Lutheran Education Andrew Bloch is the Humanities Teacher at Trinity Academy at Concordia University Nebraska. For the 2024-2025

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