Faith Lutheran School in Plano, TX

1701 East Park Blvd.
Plano, TX 75074
(972) 423–7448
Christian Education

Christian education is the application of Law and Gospel to all aspects of life and learning.

We believe that second only to the Christian home, the Christian day school is the MOST effective education agency available to the church for equipping children for a life of service to God.

The Christian day school assists the church in fulfilling the five functions of a Christian congregation: education, worship, evangelism, fellowship, and service.

1. Education: Classical education is an education in the liberal arts and is the most effective educational model known. The Bible is the primary textbook in a classical school. There are no secular subjects in the Christian day school. Every subject is taught from a Biblical worldview.

2. Worship: Worship is a foretaste of heaven on earth. School-wide formal worship following the Order of Matins is shared once a week. School-wide morning devotions are shared four times a week. Worship expresses back to God what He has said to us.

3. Evangelism: The Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ alone is God’s message to all people through the Christian’s proclamation. At school, children are encouraged to profess their Faith in their only Savior from sin, death, and the devil.

4. Christian Fellowship: We expect students and staff to accept each other as fellow members of the Body of Christ as they work, play, support, and encourage each other.

5. Service: The Holy Spirit leads each Christian in Christ-like compassion and acts of loving service. The school facilitates these acts through visits to the nursing home, sending letters to servicemen, in-house service projects, and the like.

– Dr. Martin Luther